Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PPEC?

PPEC stands for Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care. We are a center licensed by the Agency for Health Care Administration to provide skilled nursing and developmental therapies to children who are medically fragile and/or with a complex medical condition quality medical care in a residential and non-residential setting.

What qualifies a child for the PPEC program?

Medically Fragile children with complex medical conditions requiring skilled nursing care. Typical needs include: 

  • Apnea monitoring

  • Oxygen administration

  • Tube feedings

  • Tracheostomy care

  • Medication administration (such as IV medications)

  • Ventilator management

Who pays for PPEC services ?

Lotus Pediatrics Day Care services are covered by Medicaid, Medicaid HMOs, CMS Network and some commercial insurances. We work with each child’s physician to obtain orders, create a plan of care and secure insurance authorization.

Who do PPECs serve?

Lotus Pediatric Day Care treat patients from birth to 21 years of age who meet the skilled nursing criteria. 

How do patients get to the center?

Our services include door to door transportation. This service provides round trip to from either home, school, or doctors office to day center and back home. A skilled nurse escorts the child at all times. Our day center is open 7 days a week.

Benefits of the Lotus PPEC program

At Lotus Pediatric Day Care Center, children with complex medical conditions can play and learn with other kids in a safe nurturing environment, freeing their parents to work and/or attend school. The Lotus Pediatric Day Care Center’s inclusive day health program will provide a Protocol of Care which includes: medical, nursing, psychosocial, developmental, and educational therapies.

Our Pediatric Day Care Center is staffed with an Administrator, a Medical Director, Director of Nursing Services, Behavior Analysts, RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, PT’s, OT’s, ST’s and RT’s. This group of professionals along with your child’s primary care physician, will work as a team to provide the best medical, developmental and educational care possible for your child.

How to enroll my child ?

Call us to schedule a tour of our center and meet our staff.  We will complete the PPEC application and confirm eligibility.  We then contact the child’s physician or specialist to discuss the plan of care and starting date of our services. Throughout the enrollment process our staff is available to answer any questions.